Located off the northwest coast of Africa is the Portuguese island of Madeira. Thanks to its tropical climate and volcanic landscape, it has been dubbed the 'Hawaii of Europe '. This stunning island was previously something of a hidden gem, but it seems that interest has increased in recent months, with searches for 'Madeira holidays ' having increased 70% in the last three months in the UK.

One key difference between Madeira and Hawaii is that it is much closer and much more affordable to jet off to, with flights starting from as little as £43, while a flight to Hawaii can set you back anything from around £600 to over £2,000. Madeira has also recently been highlighted as a great destination for those looking for somewhere with cheap pints and some British pubs. Holiday provider Travel Republic has analysed data to discover who has the most British pubs and the cheapest pints, with Madeira being named among the best.

They found that in the UK, the average cost of a pint of beer is £4.79, while in Madeira's capital of Funchal, a pint will set you back just £2.28 for a domestic beer and £2.

90 for imported. They also found that Madeira is home to 16 British and Irish pubs, over half of which stream live sports, meaning you won't have to miss the game while on holiday. Alongside this, many of these pubs were found to be serving classic British favourites, including fish and chips, a full English breakfast and even a Sunday roast.

For those looking to make the most of this .