Like they have most years in recent memory, Reid and Ron Nomura’s 18-and-under national team from Hawaii made the trek to the mainland and back to Ohio and played a doubleheader at Crushers Stadium in Avon against the T3 Warhawks on July 11. Over the years, the Hawaii teams and T3 have formed connections that allow the players to come out to Ohio as part of the stateside swing. Through this partnership, Nomura’s players are able to gain some exposure – along with experience and the ability to use T3’s facilities in Avon.

“The facilities up here are beautiful,” Reid Nomura said. “Back home, we don’t have many turf fields. So over here, it’s nice to come out here and work out at T3.

With Coach (Ryan) Rua and Coach Jeff, they allow us to come and work out and it’s a great opportunity for these kids to continue and develop their game.” One of the other differences coming from the islands to the mainland is the competition, as Izzy Diaz noted, among a few other items. “We really don’t see that much pitching with guys throwing gas,” Diaz said, with guys throwing into the 90s a rarity back home.

“There’s probably about four people, at best, who throw 90 on the island. It’s good to see 90 out here.” Diaz also stated the exposure stateside is much different compared to playing at home.

“The only type of exposure we get is just videos. People actually come out to the games over here,” Diaz explained, as several T3 Warhawks in the opposing dugout .