Earlier this month, it was reported that Kangana Ranaut is planning to sell her Pali Hill bungalow, which serves as the office for her production house, Manikarnika Films. While there is no update on the property listed for Rs 40 crore, we now hear that the actor-filmmaker has acquired a small workspace in Andheri west. Her new office is located on the 19th floor of a highrise along Link Road and has a carpet area of 407 sq ft.

The Emergency actor-director reportedly paid Rs 1.56 crore for this property and another R9.37 lakh as stamp duty on the transaction that was registered on August 23.

The actor-filmmaker has been courting controversy in recent times. The trailers of her upcoming political drama, Emergency, in which she plays the late Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, have evoked extreme reactions, with a section of people asking for a ban on it. On the other hand, Kangana, an elected Parliamentarian from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, saw senior Bharatiya Janata Party leaders distance themselves from her comments on the farmers’ protests.

ADVERTISEMENT No way, Boss Somy Ali has dismissed reports that she was recently approached to host the reality television show, Bigg Boss 18. The former actor and founder of the NGO, No More Tears, clarified that she is neither interested in the show nor was it offered to her. Indicating that the show might gain if she hosted or participated in it, especially because of her previous connection with superstar-host, Salman Khan, Somy added, �.