Have you ever gotten ready for a night out and been happy with what you saw in the mirror, only to be disheartened by a photo taken of you shortly thereafter? Unflattering pictures have a way of shaking your confidence. A simple analogy — courtesy of Bay Area cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Samantha Ellis — may help you reframe negative thoughts about how you appear in photos.

She posted a video on her Instagram in June about a memorable piece of advice she once received from a mentor of hers. The analogy “really changed the way I view photography of myself because I generally don’t like the way I look in pictures,” Ellis says in the video . “And it also changed the way I talk to my patients as a cosmetic dermatologist because I have lots of patients who are beautiful and they come in to have cosmetic work done just because they don’t like the way they look in a photo.

” Here’s what her mentor said: Think of all the beautiful sunsets you have ever seen in your life. And then you go to take a picture of it and when you look at the photo you go, ‘Ugh, this photo doesn’t really do this sunset justice.’ You are the sunset.

You are beautiful. And just because the photo doesn’t do you justice, doesn’t detract from any of that. The video has amassed more than 22 million views, hundreds of thousands of likes and thousands of comments from people thanking Ellis for this perspective.

So if you consider yourself unphotogenic, you’re definitely not alone. A post s.