Pune: Amid speculations that he may quit the BJP, former cabinet minister Harshvardhan Patil held an hour-long closed-door meeting with NCP (SCP) chief Sharad Pawar on Tuesday. Patil said he was waiting to see the decision deputy chief minister Devendra Fadnavis takes regarding the Indapur assembly seat which he is interested in contesting. The meeting of the governing council of Vasantdada Sugar Institute was held in Pune on Tuesday.

Pawar, Patil and other members of the council, were present. Another closed-door meeting followed between Pawar and Patil at the same venue. Patil denied any political discussion with Pawar.

"I am a member of the council of the institute. I did spend more than two hours in a meeting with Pawar but there was no political discussion with him," he added. His presence with the NCP (SCP) chief was enough for speculations about him switching over to Pawar's party.

The Indapur seat is currently with Ajit Pawar's NCP. While the election is less than three months away, Ajit Pawar has already started his campaign in the constituency. "Ajit Pawar has been insisting that parties that currently hold the seats should retain them for the assembly poll.

However, my supporters want me to contest the Indapur seat," Patil said. He has requested Fadnavis to intervene and convince Pawar to vacate the seat for the BJP. According to Patil, Fadnavis has assured him of a solution, but so far, no decision has been taken by the Mahayuti partners.

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