Psych desk: The Jewish Therapist Blacklist A Chicago-area therapist started a blacklist of “clinicians who support the existence of Israel — or are Jewish, or have Jewish-sounding names,” thunders Sally Satel at The Free Press . That’s not only a “grave breach of professional ethics,” but “also part of a larger drama unfolding within the world of psychotherapy as more and more clinicians insist that psychotherapy is, foremost, a political rather than a clinical enterprise.” Worse: “Instead of fighting back, the major professional organizations” — including the American Psychological Association, the National Association of Social Workers and the American Counseling Association — are “embracing this malignant philosophy.

” No! “The best that psychotherapists have to offer humanity” is “putting patients’ needs, not dogma and grievance, at the center of their practice.” Media watch: Decoding CNN Bias Commentary’s Seth Mandel deconstructs CNN’s Saturday report on the IDF strike on a Hamas command center. “At least 93 Palestinians have been killed in an Israeli strike on a school and mosque in Gaza sheltering displaced people, according to local officials, sparking international outrage,” CNN reported.

Notes Mandel: “The reported ‘facts’ in that sentence are false.” 1) “All of Gaza’s schools have been on break since October 7,” so it wasn’t a strike on a school. 2) “That CNN used such an exact number — 93! — tells .