In the "Republicans Pounce" department, we have headlines about Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz trying to score points against opponent J.D. Vance by claiming that he and his wife have children thanks to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

"JD Vance accused Tim Walz of lying about his IVF experience," reads the headline at NBC News . The headline at The Telegraph reads, "JD Vance accuses Tim Walz of telling ‘bizarre lies’ over fertility treatment." What kind of guy is this Vance fellow that he accuses his opponent of lying about having IVF? As Twitchy reported, Walz repeated the IVF lie at his first rally with Kamala Harris.

NYT: In April, the Walz camp mailed a fund-raising letter that read: “My wife and I used I.V.F.

to start a family.’’ But the campaign now clarifies that the couple did not rely on I.V.

F. (They used I.U.

I. doesn’t involve creating/destroying embryos) Walz last month: “Today’s IVF Day.

Thank God for IVF — my wife and I have two beautiful children,” pic.twitter.

com/QwCI4snMwM Kamala HQ itself posted a video of Walz telling how he wouldn't have children without IVF. Gov. @Tim_Walz : If it was up to JD Vance, I wouldn't have a family because of IVF.

Democrats are investing in prenatal care. We're the ones that are for universal pre-K. We're the ones that are providing school meals.

I'm not gonna back down one bit on this whole family values... Far from "Rep.