: Over the past year, I’ve developed a great friendship with my college dorm roommate, and we’ve shared a lot of good times together. Related Articles However, there’s one significant issue that’s been weighing heavily on my mind: My roommate doesn’t know that I’m gay, and I suspect he might be homophobic. Living together has been mentally exhausting because I feel like I have to hide a part of myself to avoid any potential judgment or conflict.

There have been instances where I’ve had to act more masculine than I naturally am, just to fit in and avoid any discomfort. One time, my roommate even brought two girls over for a blind date, which made me feel even more conflicted about my situation. I genuinely like my roommate and value our friendship, but I’m seriously considering requesting a new room before the school year starts.

Continuing to hide who I am feels like I’m betraying myself, and it is a chore. Should I switch rooms? : You do not need to be in the closet with your roommate, especially if you have the option of moving out if he reacts badly. You deserve to live an honest life.

Learning how to accept yourself for who you are and sharing that with others can be difficult, but you are at the stage in life of becoming an adult. You are responsible for yourself. Tell your roommate who you are.

Make sure he understands that you are not romantically interested in him and that you are happy to switch rooms if he can’t handle it. Talk it out and see whe.