My sister’s fiance recently broke off their engagement, and she is absolutely devastated. Related Articles They had been together for five years, and their relationship seemed solid. They had been planning their wedding for the past year, with invitations sent out, deposits paid and countless hours spent preparing for what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of their lives.

However, out of the blue, her fiance told her that he couldn’t go through with it. He said he didn’t want to feel tied down to someone for the rest of his life and that he needed to be free to pursue his own interests and ambitions without feeling the constraints of a lifelong commitment. My sister feels betrayed, rejected and deeply hurt.

Not only is she dealing with the pain of losing someone she loves, but she is also facing the embarrassment and logistical nightmare of calling off a wedding. She has had to inform friends and family, cancel vendors and try to recover deposits where possible, all while managing her grief. As her sibling, I want to support her in any way I can, but I’m not sure what the best approach is.

How can I help my sister through this difficult time? : Be present for your sister without asking too many questions. Offer to help tie up some of the logistical details. Help her develop a statement to tell others if she needs that.

Spend time with her. Be a good listener without passing judgment. Allow her to vent, cry, scream — whatever comes up.

Be her safe space dur.