: My close friend recently went through a divorce, and that has been causing her a lot of stress. She’s been feeling overwhelmed and often calls me to vent or seek advice. Related Articles I want to be there for her, but I’ve been juggling a heavy workload at my job and have limited free time.

I’ve been trying to offer support through quick texts and occasional calls, but I feel like I’m not being as present or helpful as I’d like to be. I’m also worried that if I try to spend more time helping her, it might affect my own work and personal commitments. How can I support my friend more during this time without compromising my own responsibilities? Hopefully your friend will not be in emotional crisis mode forever.

This period is tender for her, and it is great for you to be there as much as you can, but establish boundaries. Carve out a particular amount of time each week that you can focus on her. If you can truly zoom in on her uninterrupted for a certain amount of time, she will grow to appreciate that and better understand when you are not available.

In this way, you can tend to yourself and be there to support her as well. : I am a 30-year-old woman, and my mom recently passed away. Everywhere I look, I am reminded of her, and I don’t know how I am going to get through the holiday season without her.

My mom brought so much joy to Thanksgiving and Christmas, and she was the heart of our family’s celebrations. The thought of facing these holidays without her.