Hardik Pandya , known for his flamboyant persona both on and off the cricket field, has long been a figure who commands attention. His energetic lifestyle and love for the limelight have made him a star, but this same larger-than-life personality may have contributed to the challenges in his marriage. According to sources cited by Times Now, Natasa Stankovic , despite her own strong and independent nature, found it increasingly difficult to keep pace with Hardik’s high-energy lifestyle.

The couple’s relationship reportedly began to strain under the weight of their differing personalities. While Hardik thrived in the public eye, enjoying the attention and social engagements that came with his celebrity status, Natasa preferred a more grounded and private existence. This fundamental difference in how they approached life became a significant point of contention, gradually creating a rift between them.

"Natasa found Hardik’s flamboyance overwhelming. She tried to adapt, but it became exhausting. The differences in their personalities were too vast, and over time, it became clear that they were growing apart," a source close to the couple told Time Now.

"He was too flamboyant for her, too full of himself." sources said. The decision to separate, though painful, was made with careful consideration over time, as Natasa realised that their differences were too great to bridge.

Separation Despite the personal challenges that led to their separation, both Hardik and Natasa have .