Ismail Haniyeh, the late Hamas leader, turned down a deal offering billions of dollars and the establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza, according to his son, Abd Al-Salam Haniyeh. The offer, part of the "Deal of the Century" brokered by former Trump adviser Jared Kushner, was refused due to demands to disarm Hamas, according to Haniyeh’s son, who also reflected on the transformation and development of Gaza in recent years. In an interview posted on YouTube in August and translated by , the son of the former head of Hamas’s political bureau said his father had been offered a deal by Kushner, then senior adviser to President Donald Trump.

“He said that Kushner (told) a mediator that he wanted to come over and reach an agreement about the Deal of the Century and the establishment of a (Palestinian) state in Gaza, and then billions would be spent on Gaza, and they would hand over the weapons of the resistance”. Haniyeh recollected that his father “famously said ‘may our hands be paralysed if we sign an agreement that will separate Gaza from Palestine’.” In the interview with SamaQuds network on YouTube, Haniyeh’s son talked about how much Gaza had improved in recent years, with the opening up of more aid channels and global attention on the Strip.

“After the 2008-2009 (war) the world opened up (to Gaza). For the first time, a huge thing happened. Although “There were 1,200 martyrs and there was destruction,” Haniyeh remarked that the attention of “T.