Sanober was sitting in her beautifully maintained garden, sipping her evening tea, lost in deep thought. Her friend Somaya's words from their morning walk lingered in her mind, refusing to fade away. Every morning for the past eighteen years, Sanober had walked in a garden just ten minutes from her home, a routine she cherished.

It was there that she met Somaya shortly after moving to the area following her marriage. Their walks had become a ritual, followed by tea or breakfast, where they would share their thoughts on family matters, their relationships with their spouses, in-law problems, and the challenges of motherhood. That morning, Sanober had once again confided in Somaya about a fight she had had with her husband the previous night.

But instead of offering sympathy or advice, Somaya had simply said, " Sanober, your hands are tied with golden handcuffs. No matter how much Zeeshan scolds you, even raises his hand, no matter how difficult your in-laws are, or how much you complain and cry, believe it or not, despite all your wishes or desires to escape, you cannot free yourself from these golden handcuffs." These words struck a chord with Sanober.

She couldn't shake them off and kept replaying them in her mind, questioning their truth. As she pondered, memories of her carefree college days flooded back. She recalled singing songs with her friends in the college canteen, a mischievous girl full of energy and intellect.

Everyone knew it was Sanober when they heard her sing.