The Alxa Hero Festival, often described as the “Mecca of Off-Road Enthusiasts,” is a celebration of the raw power, spirit, and unrelenting passion for off-roading. This year, tens of thousands of off-road fans and tourists gather in the sprawling deserts of Inner Mongolia to test the mettle of their vehicles and themselves against some of the harshest terrains known to man. For Great Wall Motor (GWM), the 2024 Alxa Hero Festival is not just another event on the calendar—it marks a significant moment in the company’s off-road and customization journey.

Through this festival, GWM is showcasing the culmination of its decade-long commitment to creating a comprehensive off-road customization ecosystem that resonates with its millions of fans, both in China and abroad. GWM’ Vision: An Ecosystem Built on Customization During the 5 day carnival, laughters, joy and passion fill the whole “Off-road Town”. What’s behind of all of these are some facts that cannot be missed.

Great Wall Motor has long been at the forefront of China’s off-road automotive industry. As a company with over 34 years of automotive manufacturing experience and 21 years of off-road tradition, GWM is no stranger to creating vehicles capable of conquering challenging environments. From the inception of the HAVAL H9 to the more recent success of the TANK series and GWM POER, the brand has continuously pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in the off-road space.

This year, GWM brought its full a.