Just like there is motherhood and fatherhood, there is a bit of guruhood in each one of us. Knowingly or unknowingly you have been a Guru to somebody. You have given advice, guided people and given them love.

What is the role of a Guru? Doing all that you can for someone else’s growth and development without expecting anything in return is being a Guru. Have you played this role to at least one person with clarity of mind and purity of heart? Know that the Guru Tattva is simply working through you when you are guiding someone, not wanting anything in return from them. There is no difference between the divine, the Self and the Guru.

They are all one. A Guru’s job is not to fulfil materialistic desires. These are just accessories of life that will come to you effortlessly when you have your eyes on the real goal, which is to seek liberation and which is not possible without a Guru.

Only he can make you recognise the beauty of inner freedom and the light within. The Master is the embodiment of wisdom. In Sanskrit, Upanishad means sitting close to the Master, totally tuned in.

It signifies the finite getting close to the infinite, the known reaching out to the unknown. There have been many great souls who have walked the path of true knowledge and have shown that it is possible to attain the pinnacle of life’s purpose through surrender and devotion. Their lives serve as an example for humankind.

The Upanishads are conversations between the Master and student from ages ago..