Grotesquerie Other World: Is Lois in a Parallel Universe? By By the of the first season of , Lois isn’t sure if she’s in the “ ” or some . Given the plot so far, fans are doubtful she’s in the real world, and we’ll take a look at what might be happening with her below. Is Lois in the “other world” or the real world in Grotesquerie? In the season finale, Lois tells Dr.

Witticomb that she feels like she’s dead or . She feels she’s crossed over and is in a hell where she’s forced to live in her sorrow. She calls it an “other world.

” However, Witticomb insists she has Cotard’s syndrome and that she is indeed awake and in the real world. Given how the show has progressed so far, there are arguments to be made for both points. But it might be more complex than that.

One of the more interesting fan theories is that Lois has somehow passed into Marshall’s coma dream. There are a few things that point to this being the case. In Lois’s coma, she’s the hero.

Everyone depends on her; Marshall is totally in the wrong, Redd is an insane nurse, and her daughter is addicted to food and lives at home. However, when she awakens, she finds that she’s cheated on her husband with her daughter’s husband. She’s also been “retired” from the police, and her daughter is a successful researcher and teacher.

So, she’s basically a failed mother, wife, and cop. It would make sense that this would be the role Marshall placed her in. It also makes sense that he�.