Grenada is famous for its aromatic spices and organic chocolate. But did you know Grenada was also named the world’s first ‘Culinary Capital’ by the World Food & Travel Association (WFTA)? Sekou Stroude, Director of Sales, Canada, Grenada Tourism Authority, shares this and more highlights from the Spice Island – including hotel news – in this edition of Take 5. “Grenada holds a special allure for Canadian travellers due to its safety in addition to its captivating blend of natural beauty, warm climate and rich culture.

From January to May 2024, Grenada welcomed over 10,000 Canadians to the destination, marking an increase in arrivals over 2023 of 14.5%.” “Carriacou and Petite Martinique have indeed been significantly affected by Hurricane Beryl, and rebuilding efforts will take time.

“While we do not have a specific timeline for when these islands will be ready to welcome visitors again, we encourage travellers to explore Grenada’s main island, which remains fully operational and open for business. “Visiting Grenada’s main island not only allows you to enjoy its beautiful attractions and vibrant culture but also supports the broader recovery efforts for our entire nation. Your presence on the main island contributes directly to our economy and helps us in our efforts to rebuild and restore the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

” “While Carriacou and Petite Martinique aren’t ready for tourist yet, travel advisors can best help by recommen.