Gregg Wallace has embarked on a new venture following his departure from MasterChef . The 60-year-old presenter, who left the popular BBC cooking show amid allegations of sexual misconduct - accusations he vehemently denies - appears to be making a comeback away from TV. The TV chef has launched a new line of "healthy" frozen microwave meals as he shared the exciting new venture through his health and fitness firm, GreggWallace.

Health. The company are advertising the range of dishes which will set customers back £8 each for his tasty creations, reports the Mirror . His announcement comes after he previously revealed he had been taking advantage of enjoying "some time at home" with his friends and family.

Opening up about the move last November, Wallace stated: "I have been working for quite a while now on frozen ready meals from the range of recipes..

. Let's see how we get on. "I have managed to have some time at home and did some cooking.

It's a habit I want to get back into – cooking for the family once a week is something that I really enjoy." He added: "All our meals are frozen and shipped via DPD AM Delivery Service. They will arrive frozen or within the correct temperatures to transfer straight into your freezer unless otherwise stated in product descriptions.

" It comes as Wallace remains under investigation for the misconduct claims made against him. Several complaints were made against him after it was revealed in November that historical miscon.