There are a lot of ways to size up buildings, whether by measuring their height, comparing styles of architecture or dissecting their histories. But in the era of climate change, more and more emphasis is being placed on a building’s “green” credentials, as environmental impact leads decisions around design, construction and operations. On Earth Day, look through CNN Style ’s round-up of 18 noteworthy green buildings from around the world.

Pixel Building (Melbourne, Australia) Opened: 2010 | Use: Offices | Design: Decibel Architecture When it opened a decade ago, the Pixel Building was Australia’s first carbon-neutral office building, generating all its own power and water on site. Among its energy-saving features are colorful, eye-catching panels that provide shade and maximize daylight as needed, supports that help process wastewater, a roof that captures rainwater, and a series of vertical wind turbines. One Central Park (Sydney, Australia) Opened: 2014 | Use: Residential | Design: Ateliers Jean Nouvel with PTW Architects The innovative city that brought you the Sydney Opera House also thinks green – take One Central Park for example.

A park at the foot of the building literally continues up the structure, as vegetation of 250 species of Australian plants and flowers cover One Central Park, according to They look pretty, shade the building and send an undeniable statement.

Its hovering cantilever, which holds the taller tower’s most luxurious p.