The full moon looms over the Washington Monument, while NASA's Hubble reveals the Bubble Nebula, a 7-light-year structure formed by a massive star. This star emits gases at extreme temperatures, creating vibrant colors. Astronauts aboard the ISS experience the Overview Effect, reshaping their perception of Earth.

Check out the pictures here: A glowing full moon rises above the Washington Monument. The top quarter of the monument, covered in scaffolding, is visible, with its triangular tip appearing to point to the pale Moon above, which appears in this photo to be roughly twice as wide as the monument. The Moon is wreathed in thin clouds which give it a hazy appearance.

This stylish sphere, spotted by NASA Hubble , is known as the Bubble Nebula. Residing 7,100 light-years from Earth, the Bubble Nebula itself is a whopping 7 light-years across. The seething star that forms this nebula is 45 times more massive than our Sun! Gas on the star gets so hot that it escapes away into space as a stellar wind moving at over four million miles per hour (6.

4 million kph). The gases, heated to varying temperatures, emit different colors: blue for oxygen, green for hydrogen, and red for nitrogen. The Bubble Nebula formed about four million years ago—and in 10 to 20 million years, the star at its core will likely detonate as a supernova.

“This is soo pretty,” commented a user on NASA's post, while another wondered how gas in space can turn into colours? The waxing gibbous Moon is pictu.