The summer market is nothing short of a delightful embarrassment of riches — squash, chiles, corn, stone fruit, greens, onions, eggplant, herbs and beyond. Last weekend, I catered the sweetest Greek wedding, and because of the summer peak we’re in of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and herbs, this salad was my favorite dish of the entire dinner. Since we’re in the Southwest, I made two small adjustments by adding fresh lavender and red chile, both of which are optional, lending the slightest twist to meet this classically Greek salad where we are at this time (summer) and place (New Mexico).

The possibilities don’t end there. Raw sweet corn, tender greens, green onions, lightly grilled summer squash or chiles, fully grilled eggplant, smaller cherry tomatoes, even fresh basil would all be delicious options that would be compatible with the lemon-herb-feta vibe of the salad, while also utilizing the abundance of what is growing in our gardens and markets now. Because the cucumbers and tomatoes naturally contain a substantial amount of water, I recommend making this salad right before you’re going to serve it.

If you want to make it ahead of time, I would suggest making the vinaigrette separately and cutting the vegetables (into any shape or size you want, by the way) the day before. The next day, simply drain any water that has accumulated from your vegetables and gently toss them with the vinaigrette. Another option I want to throw out there is the possibility of swappin.