Thomas Post lived a life steeped in kindness, generosity and commitment to his family and community. Post was synonymous with the Palos Park Lions Club, an organization he championed for more than 50 years. When the longtime Palos Park resident died last year at the age of 78, he left an indelible mark on the club and on his family.

In honor of their grandfather’s memory, Tom’s grandchildren – Bella, Mia, Chance and Indy Narciso of Palos Park – have launched the Leo Club of Palos. This youth-driven, community based service organization, with the guidance and support of the Palos Lions Club, will focus on supporting local shelters, organizing food drives and improving the Palos community, according to its founders. The Palos chapter now joins over 7,700 Leo Clubs with over 200,000 Leos in over 150 countries.

“Our dad was an amazing man,” said daughter Gina Narciso, who is the advisor to the newly-formed Leo Club. “He had a heart of gold and a spirit to match. He will be sorely missed, but his legacy will live on.

” The Leo Club of Palos kicked off its mission Aug. 8 with an induction ceremony at the Palos Park Recreation Center. With local dignitaries and Palos Lions Club members in attendance, the new members officially started their new teen-based service group.

The goal will be to give back to their community while continuing the Lions Club legacy of kindness and generosity that was synonymous with Thomas Post. Members of the newly launched the Leo Club of Pa.