Mwape Chimpampa, a Grade 10 pupil at Kafue’s Naboye Secondary School, was one of the standout participants at the just-ended national Junior Engineers, Technicians, and Scientists (JETS) fair in Lusaka. An albino, Chimpampa showcased an organic sunscreen she developed, which is likely to address the lack of local production of the lotion that people with albinism use to protect their skin against sunburn and cancer. Her organic sunscreen is made from a combination of vegetables, fruits, spices, and Aloe Vera, among other ingredients.

The Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) selected 15 inventions, including Chimpampa’s, for patenting and awarded K2,000 to each of the innovators. PACRA Deputy Registrar of Intellectual Property, Chewe Chilufya, urged Mwape to keep her ingredients as a trade secret and to register for trademarks when commercializing her innovation. PACRA Registrar and Chief Executive Officer, Benson Mpalo, said the organization’s decision to be involved in JETS aligns with its mandate to register and offer protection to all forms of intellectual property rights.

“Innovations in STEM fuel economic growth, address global challenges, and improve the quality of life,” Mr. Mpalo said. He added that PACRA identified 15 innovations that it will offer free intellectual property registration services to from the JETS Fair.

A trademark is a recognizable insignia, phrase, word, or symbol that denotes a specific product and legally differentiates it f.