Bengaluru: In "Gowri," director Indrajit Lankesh makes a memorable debut for his son, Samarjit, in Sandalwood. The film showcases Samarjit’s impressive skills in action, dance, and acting, marking him as a promising new talent. Designed to spotlight his capabilities, "Gowri" aims to announce his arrival and potential in the Kannada film industry.

The musical film puts Samarjit in the spotlight, giving him a range of roles to showcase his abilities. He plays Gowrishankar, a village boy with a hearing impairment who dreams of becoming a singer. Despite his father’s harsh treatment, Gowri pursues his ambitions in the city, overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

The film provides ample opportunities for Samarjit to perform romantic scenes in scenic locations, sing devotional songs, flaunt his physique, and battle antagonists. Indrajit Lankesh follows a traditional narrative approach, focusing on familiar themes like family dynamics and romance while centering the story on the newcomer. Saanya Iyer, making her debut as the leading lady, adds depth to the film with her character's backstory, which helps propel the plot forward.

Two standout aspects of the film are its music and cinematography. The soundtrack features memorable songs, including a touching tribute to Gowri Lankesh, which will resonate with those familiar with the family. Additionally, the film’s cinematography offers a visual feast, showcasing some of Karnataka’s most stunning locations.

Despite its rela.