The salons were not qualified to offer such services. HPAacting secretary Mrs Clotilda Chimbwanda told The Sunday Mail that the salonswere “mushrooming everywhere”. In accordance with Section 126 of the Health ProfessionsAct, the facility is immediately closed and the people providing the serviceare referred to the police for action accordingly for breaking the law.

“The authority has closed over 10 salons offering theseservices. The authority closes the section carrying out the illegal activity. The authority carries out routine inspections of healthfacilities to ensure minimum standards are upheld.

In the execution of thisduty, the inspectors are on the lookout for beauty parlours offering servicesthat should only be done by registered health professionals. “The specific services are immediately shut down throughthe police. Registered health professionals have also been reporting theseservice providers to the authority after patients visit them with complicationswhen procedures have gone wrong.
