A government minister gave a talk on her new book which promises a “rallying battle cry for bringing truth back to politics”. Jess Phillips, Parliament under-secretary of state and minister for safeguarding and violence against women and girls, visited Shoreham on Tuesday. Ms Phillips was at the Ropetackle Arts Centre where she gave a talk on her book, Let’s Be Honest: Truth, Lies And Politics , which was published yesterday.

The book is said to be “a laugh-so-you-don’t-cry takedown of the state of Westminster in recent years” and promises to “make you angry, cheer you up and give you hope". READ MORE: Worthing MPs Tom Rutland and Beccy Cooper prioritise health MPs Tom Rutland, for East Worthing and Shoreham, and Beccy Cooper, for Worthing West, posed with Ms Phillips for a picture at the event. Mr Rutland said: “Fab to have Jess Phillips here in Shoreham tonight speaking to a packed audience at the Ropetackle Arts Centre.

“A really illuminating evening covering everything from the perils of social media to her vital work as minister for safeguarding and violence against women and girls.”.