In an era where trendy foods and new cafes grab our attention, it's easy to overlook the time-tested benefits of simple, natural foods like fruits and veggies. Processed and packaged foods, often loaded with salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats, aren't ideal for our bodies, especially if you're battling hypertension. So, what's the solution? It might be time to return to those juicy apples, crisp cucumbers, and crunchy beans.

Here's what science says about the perks of upping your fruit and veggie intake. Researchers at the University of Texas conducted a randomized control trial involving 153 people with hypertension and a high risk of worsening chronic kidney disease. "Patients with high blood pressure face two major problems: heart disease and kidney disease," said Dr.

Donald Wesson, the study's lead investigator and a professor of internal medicine at Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin. "The study investigated whether reducing dietary acid can lower complications related to kidney and heart disease," Wesson explained. Animal products tend to increase acid levels, while fruits and vegetables help neutralize them.

Just 2 to 4 Cups of Fruits and Veggies Can Make a Big Difference Participants were split into three groups: one added 2 to 4 cups of fruits and vegetables to their diet, another consumed two daily doses of baking soda, and the third group continued with standard medical care. After five years, the study found that both the plant-rich diet and baki.