Legendary actor , who has remained one of the top actors in Bollywood for many decades, remains unstoppable even at the age of 81. He has had several health issues over the years but this hasn't stopped him from coming to sets and act in films. People often ask Big B, why at this age he keep working more and more.

Addressing this, the veteran actor has come forward and penned a long note in his blog and said that he has 'no answer for this'. In his blog, he wrote, ''They keep asking me on set of work ..

the reason for me to be working .. and I have no answers for this, except it’s another job opportunity for me .

. what else could possibly be the reason ..

others have their own assessment of occasions and conditions, and often like to exercise their model to be prime ..wear my shoes, and find out .

. maybe you are right ..

and maybe not .. you have the liberty to have your conclusions and I have the liberty of my work.

'' ''My work was given to me .. when it is given to you, answer that question .

. my reasons may not agree with you ..

but because the right to express has been given multiple tunnels of presence, you are heard ..you said, I heard, I gave reason for working on .

. that is me ..

what reason I have is mine .. enclosed shuttered and locked,'' he added.

He added, ''And the ‘impotency of content’ compels you to build your own sand castles and enjoy its manufacturing ..in time sandcastles fall down .

.may you that build them, find a measure of permanency ..

if it has be.