If you want the perfect scrambled eggs , throw everything you've ever learned about it out of the window. Forget the salt before cooking and whisking in a bowl, world-famous chef Gordon Ramsay has shared how to perfect your eggs with his foolproof technique. If you follow his advice, you'll enjoy a hot plate of scrambled eggs in four minutes.

He first says to make sure you cook your eggs gently, with scrambled eggs turning rubbery if kept on high heat. To achieve that. Chef Ramsay cooks his eggs over medium heat, pulling the pan off the heat as soon as the curds start to thicken.

He then lets the eggs to continue to cook off the heat source for 20 seconds before returning to medium heat for 90 seconds. As well as that. scrambled eggs are the one dish where you don't want to salt beforehand.

This is because if you do beforehand, it causes them to break down before you start the cooking process. Instead, wait until you’ve removed the eggs from the heat for the final time before adding a sprinkle of coarse sea salt or kosher salt. Other tips include cracking the eggs straight into the pan, and stir constantly so the eggs cook evenly.

To stop stop eggs from overcooking, add a small spoonful of something cold—such as sour cream, butter, or heavy whipping cream—to the eggs once you’ve taken them off the heat. To serve your perfect eggs, you can choose everything from croissants to tortillas or even just vegetables - such as tomatoes and mushrooms. Gordon has also revealed t.