Well, lookee here, all y’all. It turns out we are in Kansas, anymore — and Oklahoma and Texas and Iowa and all the others — with our little dog Toto and Cam Rising, too. It’s official.

On Friday, Aug. 2, Utah, and everyone connected to or who cares about or who cheers for or who objectively covers the Utes, moved into unfamiliar territory, a stretch that’s left all of us out yonder here in the West trying to figure out how to fit in, how to talk, how to get comfortable with and on the new landscape. We’re fixin’ to give it a whirl.

BYU already made the jump, learning culture and lingo and geography from the cornfields of Iowa to the region where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain to the expanse of the Red River basin to the twang of Texas to boot scootin’ line dancing in every honky-tonk here, there, everywhere to the edges of the Queen City to ...

what’s this, the Mountain State? Parts of West Virginia are gorgeous and all, but those aren’t mountains. No, these are real mountains. But we digress.

Now it’s Utah’s turn to get used to it, to embrace it, to try to defeat it. The Big 12 neighborhood has gotten a spell bigger and better. And might — Jesus and Brett Yormark willing — get time zone by time zone a spell bigger and better yet.

Today, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, West Virginia, Ohio, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Florida; tomorrow, the world. There are ready-to-build-on open lots for sale just down the road a piece. From first appearances.