or many decades, there have been attempts to investigate the methodology for sleep and in order to be healthy. And, although the numbers of hours vary slightly depending on the involved, it is true that there is a certain consensus among the different ways to get a . Something that, nowadays, is difficult to achieve due to the frenetic pace we tend to lead.

How many hours should we sleep The hours depend on many variables, depending on our physical and age situation, among others. In this sense, an adult . .

The truth is that there is no specific limit, but an approximation around which we should orient our routines to try to comply with it. Repeated failure to get the necessary hours of sleep can cause irreparable damage to our organism, which could affect our physique, our behavior and even our brain state. How to get a good night's sleep The hours of sleep are important but, it is also important to sleep deeply and to be able to sleep with the cycles of REM and non-REM phase.

Likewise, it is important to ensure that there are no interruptions in our rest period and that we do not wake up suddenly. In order to have a restful and proper rest, experts recommend a series of actions or routines that can be implemented:.