Ed Balls and Ranvir Singh discuss Southport incident As well as briefly stepping away from screens, ITV presenter Ranvir Singh has revealed she is also temporarily turning her back on news. The TV star informed her followers that she was taking a break from her regular appearance on Good Morning Britain and Lorraine to enjoy the summer with her son, Tushaan. However, following the ongoing riots that erupted over the weekend across the UK , Ranvir took to Instagram with a devastating update.

Violent demonstrations have taken place in towns and cities including Rotherham, Hull and Sunderland following false reports that the Tamworth murderer had links to Islam . As a result, police, mosques and hotels used to house asylum seekers have been targeted by far-right rioters. Ranvir Singh shared an update on her break with an Instagram post (Image: Instagram) Over the backdrop of rocky seas, Ranvir penned: “Spending my break keeping the news away from my son and also checking in on family in Hull, Sunderland Birmingham, Coventry.

“My nephew who is an NHS doctor on duty in Yorkshire is spending time trying to find out where and when the next race riots are so he and other brown/black doctors can share a car home with a buddy to stay safe in numbers.” Ranvir also urged some of her followers to reach out: “If you are white and have friends or extended family who are Asian or Black it's really time to show up and stand with them - send a text to ask if they’re ok.” “Fear an.