This week, I am taking a slight detour from my usual articles that explain AI Concepts or coding tutorials. Yes, it's a philosophical, nostalgic tour down the road I was fortunate enough to tread all along. One of the rare privileges of starting in a field quite early is that you see the field grow like your baby.

When I started my Masters in Computer Vision a decade ago, a CS graduate friend of mine asked, “What does computer vision even mean?” It's a trivial question today with enough videos of computer vision tasks like segmentation (see below) floating around the internet. A result of image segmentation — a Computer Vision task that was all over the internet when deep learning took off a decade ago. So, what has changed in the last decade? There are always two sides to a coin.

Also, growth can be both good and bad. Closed Community — Small Was Beautiful They say that people in Iceland are somehow related to each other and if someone is beyond your second cousin, you are good to marry them. Likewise, the AI community was close-knit.

Gone are those feelings of a tight-knit community. When interacting with anyone from research you generally knew which group they belonged to. You somehow would relate to and respect their work as you read and appreciated their impact on the field.

As the field is blowing up endlessly, it's becoming increasingly difficult to even say that you know someone’s work, forget about them. There are too many new names and novel branches that .