Rashmika Mandanna, known as the Golden Girl, celebrates Dhanteras by reflecting on family, tradition, and the timeless allure of gold. Rashmika Mandanna, celebrated for her back-to-back hits and Pan-India presence, continues to capture hearts with her vibrant persona. Known fondly as the 'National Crush,' 'Crushmika,' and 'Srivalli,' she also holds the affectionate titles 'Golden Girl' and 'Asharfi Girl,' adding an extra layer of significance to her connection with Dhanteras.

As Dhanteras ushers in the festive season, Rashmika reflects on the joy of the occasion. In a recent interview with Bombay Times, she shared, “It is always so heartwarming to see everyone come together. Now, with my busy schedule, I cherish spending time with my family whenever I can, soaking in the spirit of these special occasions.

Dhanteras is such a beautiful festival that brings a lot of joy and positive energy to everyone around.” The actress also shared her thoughts on Dhanteras as a moment of new beginnings: “Dhanteras is all about new beginnings, and I love the idea of embracing positive changes and fresh starts. This year, I haven’t bought anything specific, but I’m excited about all the new experiences and opportunities coming my way.

” Rashmika credits her mother’s gold jewelry for adding a special touch to her festive look, saying, “Gold has timeless beauty and meaning. My mom has some lovely pieces of gold jewelry, and I love borrowing from her whenever there’s a special oc.