Your guide on what to expect when going to the gynecologist in Japan. In a culture where Japanese artist faces obscenity charges due to the public display of her vagina-inspired art, it’s hardly surprising that there is a lack of accessible sexual health information and female-friendly gynecologist clinics in Japan. But that doesn’t mean that the services aren’t out there.

They are. Whether it’s for something or just for a check-up, here’s a guide on what to expect when going to the gynecologist in Japan. Last week, a few female colleagues and I stood in a lobby, not discussing work politics but whispering about where to find a proficient English-speaking gynecologist in the city.

In fact, the list is endless, but as with any doctor, a great recommendation can make all the difference. So do not hesitate to ask that female neighbor in your sharehouse or a good friend or look through the many lists of recommended surgeries in the city, like our Savvy list below. The Ladies’ Clinic usually offers drop-in appointments at various times throughout the week.

Call in advance, register on entry, and take a seat in the waiting room (which is often filled with an impressive array of pink furniture). If you have a health insurance card, make sure you bring it with you, as it will enable you to pay only 30% of your total bill. Ensure you ask from the outset if you want to get any contraceptives, as you will have to have a blood test.

The , in particular (normally around ¥2,00.