You are what you eat and those particular about how they treat their bodies and what they put into it, understand this the best. In a world where uncontrollable external factors, however unassuming, are increasingly being shown to have potential adverse effects on one's health in the long run, why not take a few extra steps to safeguard yourself when it comes to your food? A brewing paradigm shift in global eating habits is that of going plant-based and with good reason. As per a Harvard Health report, prevention of animal cruelty coupled with a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes along with apparently increased longevity have been some of the motivating factors.

On the flip side, omitting one or more food groups from one's diet of course comes with its own drawbacks. The risk of nutrient deficiency if you don't mindfully plan out your meals is a pressing concern. In this light, the presence of antinutrients in the foods you consume can actually pose a risk to how your body absorbs the nutrients present in the food.

What are antinutrients? Right off the bat, antinutrients aren't a chemical addition to your foods. Instead, as per a Healthline report, they are naturally occurring plant compounds which essentially protects the plant against infections and infestations. One of the key features of antinutrients however, is its tendency to reduce the human body's ability to absorb nutrients.

If you swear by a plant-based diet which incl.