While some peeps were all for it, others weren't too impressed. The major buzz was around Sabelo Mgube's, um, extracurricular activities. This weekend was a whirlwind for South African celeb world, as the famous sangoma Gogo Maweni and her partner Sabelo Mgube tied the knot in a jaw-droppingly beautiful traditional Zulu wedding.

With family, friends, and some famous faces in attendance, it was a ceremony to remember. But, uyazi mos (you know how it goes), the Internet had plenty to say about it. And not all of it was nice.

While some peeps were all for it, others weren’t too impressed. The major buzz was around Sabelo Mgube’s, um, extracurricular activities. Yebo, he’s been labelled a serial cheater, and folks on Twitter were quick to remind us.

One tweep had no chill, calling Gogo Maweni “one desperate woman” for sticking with a guy who’s allegedly been sneaking around behind her back. All the cars and houses she buys for him apparently aren’t enough to keep his interest at home. Ouch! Gogo Maweni is one desperate women,To marry a men that cheats on her for long Sabelo Mgube, With the Powers she claims to have and practice witchcraft She failed to let him stop inserting his Anaconda 🍆 in every women 🍑 After all the cars,and houses she buys he will still cheat — IG:Joy-Zelda (@joy_zelda) Does love conquer all? Maybe Gogo Maweni thinks so! Another netizen wrote: “Popular sangoma Gogo Maweni married! Over the weekend, Gogo Maweni and her spouse tied the .