Gogglebox star Georgia Bell has announced the arrival of her baby boy with partner Josh, sharing a photo and revealing his adorable name with fans. The 24 year old Channel 4 star, known for appearing alongside best friend Abbie Lynn on the popular show since 2018, sparked speculation she had given birth after Friday night's episode. During the show, Abbie said: "Can you believe Gee that you are due to have a baby, officially tomorrow?" to which Georgia responded: "It's quite overwhelming".

Confirming the birth of their son, she shared a picture of him in a white babygrow adorned with embroidered brown bunnies. She captioned the post: "Ralphie James Newby. Our precious boy born Nov 10th 11:27pm weighing 7lbs10oz.

Settling into the life of a family of 5, we all love you unbelievable amounts little one...

" Gogglebox co-star Abbie reacted to the news, saying: "Congratulations to the most beautiful family. Extremely proud of you Ge! He is absolutely gorgeous I cannot stop looking". Rosin from Glasgow, who also appears on the show with her boyfriend Joe said: "Congratulations on the mst beauiful lil dide.

Most gorgeous family ever xxx". Sophie Sandiford, who has been on the show with brother Pete since 2017, also shared her support, writing simply: "Aw congratulations". The 24-year-old revealed she's wasn't fully prepared for the arrival of her second child, admitting on the show: "Do you know what I just thought? I'm sitting here having a great time with you but my hospital bag is.