Dear Aunty Temilolu, I am a 34-year-old lady who decided at a very tender age never to give room for premarital sex, I have suffered a lot just because of this one decision. I have been sacked simply because of this, I have been given a quit notice just because of this! I have been mocked because of this same reason, I have been denied access to some things because I decided to keep my virginity till marriage! And now I’m beginning to wonder if I’m on the right track because it’s getting tougher. How can I be proud of keeping my virginity when the children that asked me years back who “virginity eep” when I advise them are married? Friends that told me years back, “dey there na.

..” have concluded child birth in their marriages! Now, I’m not getting younger and it’s getting tougher.

The only two relationships I have attempted failed not because I was a bad person but because I said no to sex. After the last one I concluded no man on earth likes to marry a virgin. So, if that’s the case what’s the need of it? Yes! I know there are so many spiritual benefits of being a virgin which I can attest to.

But how long will I continue to do what I’m no longer proud of? Yes! I was so proud of it despite my age, until things suddenly turned against me. But one thing I keep telling myself is I have gone too far to let go of it. However, I must let you know it’s no longer funny at all.

Because when I say things turned against me I mean it, I don’t know if they ar.