Over the years, and especially in the recent past, Goa has welcomed hordes of tourists every single day. While this surge fuels the State’s economy, it often comes at a high cost to those who live in popular tourist areas. The Latin quarter of Fontainhas is a classic example where hundreds of tourists flock daily, often without regard for the residents’ privacy or peace.

Not knowing where to draw the line and igniting a slow-burning rage among the locals of Fontainhas , recent reports have shared incidents of Goans shouting, arguing, pelting stones and showering droplets of water on tourists they consider a nuisance, as they loiter around their homes despite written warnings. Hoping to keep this problem under control, Goa Tourism department has put up instruction boards of 7 dos and don’ts when visiting the heritage zone of Fontainhas. 1.

Do not block roads for photography When visiting a new place, we often forget that a holiday for you is a regular working day for the locals. Blocking the roads for the sake of a photograph disrupts their routines and is inconsiderate. 2.

Do not over speed or go on the wrong side Respecting road safety rules and paying attention to signboards can help avoid accidents and loss of life. The signboards are there for a reason, and making sure you abide by them is your duty as a responsible tourist . 3.

Do not step or place your feet on walls Tourists often leave souvenirs of muddy footprints on freshly-painted walls of Goan houses by leani.