Key verse: 2 Kings 4:7: “Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest,” (KJV). Everyone has something to sell.

The real money is not the Naira notes in our pockets and banks. The real money in today’s world is value. Value must leave your hands in exchange of money.

How do we create value? It is simply by solving problems or catering for the needs of people around us. So, we create value by offering solution in the form of a product or service to the people. You cannot create wealth out of nothing.

To earn money, you must sell something, whether it is tangible or intangible. Some people are like the poor widow, who thought she had nothing to sell. It is poverty mindset to say you have nothing.

Stop looking down on yourself, you have something valuable inside of you to offer to your world. God blessed man and endowed him with potentials. It was not until the poor widow began to pour the jar of oil into the borrowed vessels that the oil began to multiply.

You will only experience success when you put your talents into use. Talent and skill put into use will lead to wealth creation. You have a potential to be big, but you have to put what you have to work.

Everything great, started small.Just do something and let value leave you and money will follow you. Prophet Elisha instructed the poor widow to sell the containers of oil and settle her debt.

Before the poor widow sold, she was living .