W hat is beauty? Who sets the standards for beauty? There was a social media post recently suggesting there are four kinds of beauty; naturally glowy; look like a model; fit the popular pretty aesthetic; or just be plain vanilla-standard pretty. Put that way, it sounds crude and comes off as a social dilemma. One wonders where the society is headed.

However, Hollywood and some other media industries put in little to no effort to counter, diminish or eradicate these notions. Hollywood feeds off of pretty faces. This brings us to a movie that premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival.

A Different Man is a movie everybody should see. Kardashians and Jenners are the role models leading from the front. They have normalised body modifying surgeries as a simple solution to insecurities.

In a society where beauty is money and perfection is the ultimate aim, many young celebrities have grown enamoured with plastic surgery. Drawn into a glamorous world that values faultless appearances, some actors decide to undergo cosmetic modifications, believing this will advance their career and bolster their confidence. Lip fillers, sculpted features and a redefined image are promised to bring success.

However, underneath the polished veneer, a deeper conflict unfolds, as the burden of sustaining these new identities become overwhelming. There is no doubt in today’s world that youngsters impressed by the facelifts, rhinoplasties, liposuctions, implants ad botox etc race to get these procedur.