Summary Kansas City International Airport overcharged drivers due to a parking glitch in the economy lot. 14 travelers reported being charged the wrong fees due to machine errors in June and July. 1,175,386 passengers went through MCI in July, showcasing a significant 4.

3% increase from the prior year. How do you tell someone they have overstayed their welcome? Kansas City International Airport (MCI) has confirmed that it overcharged drivers, although not on purpose. Instead, a parking glitch resulted in drivers stationed in the economy lot being mischarged.

A spokesperson for the airport, Joe McBride, confirmed this information to The Star after over a dozen travelers reported they had been charged the wrong fees. What happened? According to McBride, the drivers affected were parked in the cheaper economy lot . There, they were charged the same rate as if they were stationed in the garage parking across from the terminal.

The spokesperson confirms that the machine in the economy lot went into “off-line mode,” The Star reports. “As of the original inquiry on July 17th, we had 7 customers reach out to us requesting a refund. Since July 17th, we have had 7 additional instances, totaling 14 in June and July.

” The issue is that the extent of the problem is not known. Because of the amount of people that parked there during the months of June and July, it is unclear how many of them were impacted by the faulty machine. “The system shows these charges as correct charges, .