Motorists who spot a parking attendant about to ticket their vehicle might just be in with a better chance of arguing their case in Glasgow city centre. Wardens working in Scotland's largest city have reported feeling "more upbeat, fitter and calmer" since the council started offering free yoga classes. Wardens who face "daily conflict, anger and abuse" are de-stressing with sun salutations, downward dogs and Shavasana life contemplation in the grand surrounds of the City Chambers.

Parking wardens are 'calmer' after council-funded yoga classes (Image: miszaqq) The council started offering staff classes run by The Kali Collection Glasgow Yoga Studio in 2018. Their former manager, Kenny Costello, hoped introducing his team to "time out on a yoga mat" would ‘take them away from the anger and rage’ he says they are met with every day. The 67-year-old said: “During my time as a manager for parking enforcement I saw the range of services on offer for GCC workers based at Glasgow City Chambers such as mindfulness classes.

"It made me think of the parking attendants. "I felt it was a shame because they are walking the streets for up to 10 to 12 hours per day facing a huge amount of conflict, anger and abuse on a daily basis - all they’re trying to do is keep the streets flowing. Former warden manager Kenny Costello is now a yoga convert (Image: StoryShop) “I thought negotiating a way for staff to come into the City Chambers on their lunch break to access services like mindf.