This summer I’ve felt disconnected from the things I usually enjoy. I’ve done many of them — running, swimming, hiking, foraging, camping, exploring new places, reading, relaxing in my hammock, connecting with friends. But, there’s been a veil of sorts blocking me from taking in the goodness that they represent.

And, I’ve felt an inner resistance to moving forward on some projects that I need to wrap up. This morning, I realized I’ve been waiting for someone to give me permission to do the things I love as well as the things I need to do. I’ve been waiting for someone else to agree that it’s ok to have fun and to agree that yes, it is time to get moving on my to-do list.

So, my new experiment is to give myself permission to do the things I want and need to do. I’m going to be so bold as to also give myself permission to enjoy doing them. I’m giving myself permission to create beauty around me for no other purpose than because it makes me happy.

I’m giving myself permission to leap into building a fort with my son even though I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m giving myself permission to notice the wonders of nature around me — the birds, insects, flowers, fruits of my garden. I’m giving myself permission to laugh out loud and act silly whenever I feel like it.

I’m giving myself permission to unapologetically be myself with all of my quirks on display. I’m giving myself permission to finish the house projects on my list or to drop them and hir.