Girls Will Be Girls is helmed by first time feature film director Suchi Talati. It follows the story of a high school top student in a coming of age story. But the story isn't just about Mira played by Preeti Panigrahi but also about her mom Anila played by Kani Kusruti.

Their complex relationship amid Mira's rebellious romance with NRI boy Sri (Kesav Binoy Kiron), the tense environment in strict school. The film offers a change for millennials to live through some of their most embarrassing and traumatizing memories but also gives a chance to many more in building a better and more nutriting relationship with their mothers. The film begins with Mira taking on the role of the school head prefect.

She is good at everything, from exams to helping other students and also always remains in the good books of the teachers. Mira has done her best to look good and do good in her school but back home, she can't stand her mom Anila. Hailing from the same school, where Mira feels the need to work hard to look good, her charismatic mom (ex-student) does it without effort.

Their relationship has not been easy, but it gets worse as Mira begins to take interest in boy. With the board exams getting closer, her mother would not tolerate any leniency there. While she is often the one who instigates dance breaks, conversation, modern and easy going clothing, studies is not somewhere she is willing to compromise.

And spending too much time with a boy falls in that latter category. So when she ca.