In the first game of last week, the Giants scored 10 runs. That’s one more run than they allowed in all six games combined. It was a successful week.

It was one of the better weeks of the season for the 2024 Giants, who are peaking when it matters least. They’re making you use words like “momentum” and “finishing strong” and “spoiler” and “where was this all year, you dorks?” Advertisement The Giants were eliminated. They are also finally playing like a playoff team.

Such is life. Here’s the week that was, in which the Giants did the dirty work for the Yankees , Tigers , Twins and Mariners for nothing more than a little personal pride and the satisfaction of a job well done. Encouraging signs from young pitchers In five years, you’re going to be thinking about the 2024 Giants for some reason.

There will be a word or a number or a feeling that will be associated with them. When I think about 2011, I think of Posey’s injury. When I think about 2009, I think about a waste of franchise-best pitching.

When I think of 2016, I think of the bullpen. When I think of 2022, I think of some of the blandest baseball the sport can offer. You’ll have one of these shorthands for 2025.

You might be tempted to boil the failures down to “they couldn’t hit.” That isn’t the story of this season’s Giants, though. The league-average adjusted OPS is 100.

The Giants’ adjusted OPS is 100. They’re a perfectly average offensive team that feels worse because of t.