The UK’s largest breed of , which can grow to the size of rats and hunts fish, are making a comeback in Britain. From near-extinction in 2010 - when only a handful remained as their wetland homes were destroyed by humans - the number of are now steadily increasing thanks to recent conservation efforts. The spiders are set to have their best year on record at nature reserves ran by RSBP.

The conservation charity revealed that the most recent survey estimates the total number of female spiders to be up to 3,750 across 12 sites in Norfolk and Suffolk Broads alone. The spider can spin a web as large as 25cm and can grow to the size of a man’s hand. “The Fen Raft Spider is one of the UK’s rarest invertebrates and we are proud of the role our reserves and teams have played in its recovery,” Tim Strudwick, the RSPB Mid Yare nature reserves site manager where many of spiders are homed, told the MailOnline.

The fen raft spider has a brown or black body with white or cream stripes along the sides. With a span of up to almost three inches (8cm), they are the largest of the UK’s 660 native species of spider. The species only lives in fens, marshes and wetlands, using their long hairy legs to skate across the surface of the water.

“These spiders have an important role in maintaining the rich aquatic diversity found in the grazing ditches on our reserves. The females are impressive in size, but also beautiful – they are truly special to see,” Mr Strudwick added. The spide.