Mumbai, Aug 6: 'Ghuspaithiya', directed by Susi Ganeshan, emerges as a breath of fresh air in Bollywood's cinematic landscape, breaking away from conventional commercial fare. This gripping thriller delves into the dark world of cybercrime and tackles pressing issues such as police reforms an unprecedented topic in Indian cinema. Set against the backdrop of Varanasi and Lucknow, the film vividly captures the banks of the Ganga, using these locations to enhance its narrative depth.

Vineet Kumar Singh stars as a police officer in Uttar Pradesh, who, while monitoring the phones of influential individuals, discovers shocking truths, including a call involving his wife, played by Urvashi Rautela. Akshay Oberoi portrays the antagonist, adding a chilling edge to the story. As the investigation turns personal, the plot takes compelling twists.

The film uniquely addresses the inefficacies of police reform committees, highlighting how officers are often relegated to roles like cooks and gardeners a critical issue seldom discussed in Indian films. This fresh angle adds significant weight to the narrative. Vineet Kumar Singh delivers an outstanding performance, seamlessly transitioning between romantic and intense scenes.

Akshay Oberoi’s portrayal of the antagonist is both convincing and engaging. Urvashi Rautela offers a career-best performance, and Govind Namdev, along with the supporting cast, contributes meaningfully to the film's success. Susi Ganeshan’s direction is exceptional.