If you're totally intimidated by the weights at the gym but you want to start strength training — or you're just looking for a simple but effective total-body dumbbell workout to cue up at a moment's notice — this routine was made for you. It's suitable for beginners and advanced exercisers alike, and as long as you have a pair of dumbbells, you can do it anywhere, any time. There are no fancy exercises or rep schemes; it's just good old-fashioned strength work.

The workout is comprised of 10 simple dumbbell exercises. They're basic and beginner-friendly moves , but a solid part of any strength program. In about 15 minutes, you'll get in a muscle-strengthening workout that hits every muscle group in your body — and will leave you just the right amount of sore .

Too easy? To up the ante, rest for less time between moves and pick up bigger weights. Basic Total-Body Dumbbell Workout Equipment needed: One pair of light- to medium-weight dumbbells (three to 10 pounds). We're fans of the PS Neoprene Dumbbell ($7-$20), available in three, five, eight, and ten-pound options, or the versatile Stakt Weights ($98), which you can be customized to two-, four-, and six-pound hand weights.

(Here's more on how to choose the right weight for your fitness level.) Directions: Do each exercise for the number of reps listed, resting as needed between moves. Once you're done with all 10 moves, repeat the circuit for a total of three rounds.

Focus on moving with control and with proper form; .